
August 5, 2024

2024 Intern Capstone Highlight

Our interns recently wrapped up their capstone projects, marking the conclusion of their summer at MEB.

This is the second year since capstone projects were introduced into our Summer Internship Program, driven by the interns’ eagerness to delve deeper into MEB and our full range of work. Each intern was responsible for coordinating and executing a tour of their assigned project for the group. They began with a comprehensive presentation outlining the project’s complexities then concluded with a walking tour.

Will Buffkin giving his tour of Nansemond TP ANRI Ph II

The aim of this final project was to familiarize everyone with the various types of work MEB takes on and to showcase sites beyond their own experiences. It gave our interns the opportunity to gain confidence in their preferred construction fields while also inspiring interest in new industries for some.

“These capstone projects have introduced me to the interesting world of infrastructure that I had never seen before. In my previous career aspirations, I never considered working on infrastructure projects as an option, however I have become deeply interested in their importance and complexity.” // Alexander Gutowski, 2024 Intern

“My favorite project tour was at the Norfolk Naval Shipyard because of how big it was and how much was going on. It was also cool to see some of the historical elements of the site, such as the oldest dry dock in America.” // Trent Walker, 2024 Intern

The tours provided a chance for everyone to act as the experts of their site while also experiencing their project from a fresh viewpoint. They also had to communicate directions, parking instructions, invites, and badging if applicable for their fellow interns and their supervisors. Diego Rodriguez-Tapia said, “This capstone project gave me valuable practice in coordinating with colleagues throughout MEB and my jobsite to organize the event.”

1/12 – Interns at Tabb Pressure Reducing Station and Offline Storage Facility

2/12 – "The capstone project showed me just how much work MEB does across multiple fields of construction and is part of the reason I aspire to work for MEB again in the future." // Trent Walker

3/12 – "My favorite project tour was the Boat Harbor project, even though it was raining and muddy it was interesting to see how they were able to fit everything in the project in a small area. I also thought it was extremely cool to see the MEB sign on the tower crane."// Jackson Arnold, 2024 Intern

4/12 – Stella Johnson // Boat Harbor TP PS Conversion

5/12 – "My capstone project helped show me the importance of presenting a job and being well prepared by making sure future owners/clients understand the scope of work and the progress that is being made."//Chase Rudolph

6/12 – Ryan Fennell // Tabb Pressure Reducing Station and Offline Storage Facility

7/12 – William Buffkin // Nansemond TP ANRI Ph II

8/12 – Cobbs Creek Reservoir, Dam & Facilities

9/12 – Phineas Tan // Boat Harbor TP PS Conversion

10/12 – Stephen Gottlieb & Jackson Arnold // Norfolk Naval Shipyard

11/12 – Trent Walker // Richmond Wastewater Treatment Plant Sludge Thickening Building Improvements

12/12 – 2024 Summer Interns

“I learned a lot about running a large job site. Working alongside the superintendents gave me an excellent “immersion” experience away from the classroom to put my hands on skills to work. From rigging to concrete to safety, I learned a wide swath of skills.” // Phineas Tan, 2024 Intern

Overall, this experience provided the group with the chance to better understand their own projects, ask questions, and explore all sectors of MEB’s work. We thoroughly enjoyed seeing each intern present their work and take pride in their contributions.

By Ava Solis