cubic yards of soil
3.5 million
150 MGD
Reservoir Gallons
14.8 billion
72" Transfer Pipe
2,700 LF
Project Details
The project team moved approximately 3.5 million cubic yards of soil, cover 31 acres of wetlands, and flood 15 miles of streams to build the reservoir. The project includes a 165-ft-tall earthen embankment main dam, saddle dam, 150 MGD raw water intake facility, 150 MGD raw water pump station, Operations Building, 400 kW diesel engine driven backup power supply generator, approximately 2,700 LF of 72” diameter transfer pipeline and associated structures, boat launch facility, site improvements, electrical and communication improvements, site security, and maintenance equipment. When completed, raw water will be diverted to the reservoir from the James River when river flows are adequate. Controlled releases from the reservoir will be made when river flows are inadequate to support regional demands. The 14.8 billion gallon reservoir will be a key source of drinking water for the region.
Nick Fippinger, Assoc. DBIA
Project Manager
Watkins Hunt, Assoc. DBIA
Project Manager