Project Details
MEB provided general contracting services for this addition to an occupied and operating facility. Service connections and construction activities were scheduled and phased to cause no interruption to the operations and occupants of the existing four story office structure. Temporary, water-resistant barriers were put in place where the physical connection to the existing structure was made. Utility connections, material lay down and storage and other land disturbance activities were carefully planned and orchestrated as well to avoid disruption of normal working conditions. To accommodate the project, half of the existing parking area was dedicated to construction staging, and the initial phases of work included new onsite and offsite parking, with connecting sidewalks. The square footage of the new addition is approximately 90,000 sf. The foundations consist of auger cast grout piles, pile caps and grade beams. The framing for the building is steel framed construction. The exterior of the building consists of precast concrete wall panels and glass and glazing. The new sitework consists of storm drainage, new parking lots, new detention basin and subsurface stormwater detention system. The USACE also awarded the 2.4 million dollar multipurpose room as well.