cast-in-place wall
7,900 lf
yard piping and ductbanks
13,750 lf
soil excavation
100,000 cy
40,000 cy
Project Details
The project consisted of furnishing labor, material, and equipment for construction of a Preliminary Treatment Facility, Equalization Tank, Grit Tank Influent Box, Versatile Bioreactor, Secondary Clarifier, Chlorine Contact Channel, Versatile Bioreactor Electrical Building, Supplemental Carbon Storage and Feed Facility, Main Switchgear Building, and Odor Control Station. Existing facilities upgraded included the Chemical Feed Building, Incinerator Building, Primary Solids Holding Tank and NEF Building (Primary Solids Fermenter), Administration Building, Anaerobic/Anoxic Basins, Aerobic Basins, Blower Building, Primary Clarifier Electrical Building, Chlorine Contract Tank, Pipe Galleries, and Chemical Feed Systems. Instrumentation and electrical components and facilities that support the above facilities were provided and existing facilities expanded and upgraded. Some piling and specific foundation elements were installed under a previous contract (VIP NRI Contract A) for the Versatile Bioreactor, Secondary Clarifier, Chlorine Contact Channel, Versatile Bioreactor Electrical Building, and Supplemental Carbon Storage and Feed Facility. The MEB team was able to complete the project on-time and on-schedule. This highly complex project required significant planning and scheduling to maintain plant operations and meet required milestones for the Chesapeake Bay Act. The MEB project management team completed the project with little interruptions to plant operations even during historic weather events, where the plant was used for overflow storm water management to reduce flooding to the local community.
What Our Partners Are Saying
In my work with MEB on the VIP Nutrient Reduction Improvements Contract B project, I found MEB's staff to be professional and respectful; they share the desire for successful project completion common to the Owner's staff. MEB engages often and well with the plant staff, playing the role of teammate to collaboratively work through construction sequencing plans. I anticipate a strong finish on this project, and I would be pleased to work with MEB on a future job.