At MEB, we take safety seriously, and the Start Safe – Stay Safe program is a testament to our commitment to ensuring a safe work environment. Started by Senior Project Engineer Adrienne Iachetta, DBIA, this program was developed with a collaborative approach in mind to effectively communicate expectations with our subcontractors. The idea started with a project-specific safety orientation, before the work even began, led by MEB for all subcontractors that would be working on the job. Establishing clear expectations for the job site creates a foundation for everyone to work safely, and this enhances the likelihood of maintaining a safe work environment throughout the project.
This safety orientation is a way to set expectations across the board but also to create a relationship with the subcontractors. Adrienne said, “Setting expectations early eliminates many of the ‘I didn’t know’ conversations and helps hold people accountable.”

Senior Project Engineer Adrienne Iachetta, DBIA meeting with team members on site.
Another benefit to the program is establishing a relationship with the people you’re going to work with so they know you’re a resource for any questions on safety. It allows our project management team to communicate openly and work with subcontractors on issues that arise.
The Start Safe – Stay Safe program is unique in that it can adapt to each job’s personality. This program is truly a collaborative effort with our subcontractors to set them up for success. Every management team and subcontractor team will have different styles of communication and expectations. The idea behind Start Safe – Stay Safe is to start the conversation early and keep it going. It is not a one-and-done meeting.
To ensure the safety and success of every project, our team at MEB conducts pre-planning meetings around three weeks prior to any large or complex portion of the job. During these meetings, we collaborate with our subcontractors to ensure they have a plan in place, understand the associated risks, and have the necessary equipment and PPE. By having the required resources and a deeper understanding of the task at hand, the subcontractor’s team can be more productive and efficient from a safety perspective.
“From a management perspective, it’s less stress on us because we know they have a plan and understand the risk. If something in that original plan isn’t going right, we’re able to step back and look at it from ‘this plan is not working – let’s adjust and do it this way,’ it allows safety conversations to be more collaborative and less combative,” said Adrienne.
Since the Start Safe – Stay Safe program began, we have observed a significant improvement in communication and collaboration between our team and subcontractors. The level of preparedness has increased, leading to less downtime and more productive workdays. We have also witnessed some subcontractors proactively implementing new safety protocols based on our expectations, which is a testament to the success of this program.