
May 24, 2023

MEB Selected as HRSD’s Boat Harbor Pump Station Conversion Contractor

We are excited to announce our partnership with Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) on a new project. MEB was selected as the Prime Contractor for the Boat Harbor Pump Station Conversion in Newport News, Virginia. This $169,447,000 project marks a significant milestone in our commitment to improving water quality and supporting Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts.

In this multi-part project, our portion includes constructing a new 36.5 MGD pump station and decommissioning the existing treatment plant by diverting flow to the new pump station. The closure of the treatment plant is a crucial step towards reducing nutrient discharge into the James River Basin, which plays a vital role in enhancing local water quality.

As HRSD expands its Sustainable Water Initiative for Tomorrow (SWIFT) program, closing this treatment plant is necessary as the current physical limitations at the Boat Harbor Treatment Plant site prevent the ability to provide advanced water treatment at that location. In addition, HRSD has found significant long-term cost savings associated with consolidating wastewater treatment and SWIFT facilities at the Nansemond Treatment Plant.

Our work continues at the Nansemond Treatment Plant on two separate projects, Struvite Recovery Facility Improvements & Digester Upgrades and Advanced Nutrient Reduction Improvements – Phase 2, to prepare the plant to receive the flow from the new Boat Harbor Pump Station. By updating existing site conditions, we are paving the way for the construction of a new sewage pump station and storage facility. This infrastructure upgrade will enhance HRSD’s capabilities in safeguarding public health and the environment for generations to come.

The MEB team is dedicated to delivering exceptional results and contributing to the success of the Boat Harbor Pump Station Conversion project. We look forward to working alongside HRSD and other stakeholders as we make a positive impact on the environment and the well-being of our community.

By Peyton Hannon