
September 19, 2024

MEB Completes New Fueling Facility at Fort Cavazos

The MEB Fueling Team is proud to hand over a new, state-of-the-art fueling facility at Fort Cavazos.

The new fueling facility constructed by MEB significantly increased the government’s fueling capabilities at the United States Army Post, Fort Cavazos, in Killeen, Texas. The new system provides much-needed reliability and enhanced performance, featuring a new pumphouse, tanks, multiple fill and offload stations, and new airfield hydrant pits. This project was executed with a strong emphasis on the mission, the environment, and end-user satisfaction.

Throughout construction, we were able to suggest potential system improvements based on our experience. The collaboration between the contractor, the government, and the end-user resulted in a state-of-the-art system at Ft. Cavazos that was commissioned and turned over ahead of schedule. Our fueling team worked closely with airfield personnel and operations to ensure flexibility in scheduling work and staging operations. We were the first contractor at Fort Cavazos to be recognized by the Director of Airfield Operations for our commitment to ensuring the base’s critical mission was unimpeded.

The project team encountered several unforeseen obstructions during the installation of the hydrant loop. The MEB team worked closely with the government and the designer of record to develop solutions that allowed installation while, minimizing overall impacts on the schedule. Weather also played a role in Killeen, TX, where our fueling team faced high winds, freezing conditions, and extreme heat. Despite these challenges, the team adapted and implemented controls to protect the installed work and ensure the schedule was maintained.

We are proud of the work completed at Fort Cavazos and value our continued relationship with the United States military. A special thank you to our dedicated fueling team for their hard work on this showcase project!


2/17 – MEB Ft. Cavazos Fueling Team - Brian Carlton, Lesley Carlton, and Chris Benton (Right to Left)

3/17 – Director of Airfield Operations Recognition














17/17 – Director of Airfield Operations Recognition

By Peyton van Reesema